Monday, September 1, 2008

A perfect summer day

Yesterday was one of those near-perfect days with lazy white clouds floating in a cerulean blue sky, the sun mischeivously playing hide and seek during the earlier part of the morning and coming out in full force by late morning. Yesterday was the perfect time for friends, fun and frolic and all three we combined by going to Tokyo Summerland (Tokyo's biggest aqua theme park). The merry lot comprised of old friends (R,P and their yummilicious baby girl M) and new (S&A) and ofcourse me, DH and my bro-in-law. As usual going by our code of IST (Indian Stretchable Time ie.) we left half an hour after the time when we were to have reached (if it sounds confusing to you, imagine how much confusion the situation created for us!!!).

The train journey (in Japan this particular mode of transport is the most reliable, except for when certain suicidal idiots jam up the train lines on busy monday mornings, but then that's another story) took the better part of 2 hours which we fully utilized by playing dumb charades and generally ogling a girl with 'Hello Kitty' nail art and knee length cowboy suede boots (in peak summer mind you). After reaching Akigawa station (atleast I think that was the name) and feeling as hungry as bears after their long winter hibernation, we quickly stopped at a 'conbini' (convenience store for the uninitiated) and stuffed our guts with an assortment of fried chicken, chips, pudding and icecream (feeling hungry just thinking about it!!!). We then boarded the bus for Summerland where we proceeded to spend the rest of the day in and out of various pools and onsens (hot springs Japan is famous for), enjoying various rides and ofcourse eating more fried chicken!!!

Tired but extremely happy, the train journey back home was spent mainly dozing and trying to calm down a hungry baby own kiddo was home with her grandparents to whom DH and I are extremely grateful, since it is because of their reassuring presence that we are still able to maintain a semblance of a social life, which with a squalling newborn would have been difficult to say the least (not that newbie parents without parental support dont do it all the time).

Thanks R for goading us into really was the perfect way to spend the perfect day!!!! :)

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